There’s a lot of top film lists out there. But whenever we see them they usually consist of the stuff we’ve already seen. It looks like we’ll be spending more time at home for a little while at least. So we put together a list of films to get you through the evenings. This isn’t our favorites, mind you. But it’s one of the great tragedies of the film industry that so much good stuff doesn’t get the air time it needs and disappears without a trace.
So here are some of the things you might have missed.
Blue Ruin (thriller)
Revenge thrillers normally have people Bruce Willis drawing on the skills they learned in the Navy Seals. Not this one. The ‘hero’ lives in his car on a beach and is scavenging food when he finds out his parents have been murdered.
The Guilty (thriller)
This is a man on a phone for 90 minutes. We’ve deliberately made it sound terrible because of just how genuinely good it is. Some films based around a single good idea don’t know how to end. This one totally does.
Calibre (thriller)
Two lads go hunting in Scotland for a stag do. Then things go tragically, nail-bitingly wrong. Master of Suspense Stephen King took to twitter to state how much he loved it. So, you should definitely check it out.
Long Shot (comedy)
This is probably about the most high profile film on here. It’s kind of a surrender movie. i.e. You’d only put it on if you’re trying to please literally everyone. But it’s still good fun and sometimes you just need to sit back and smile.
You Were Never Really Here (thriller)
Joker, despite all its awards, divided critics and audiences. For us, this is the better film. With the same ingredients, Joaquin Phoenix, mental health, wrong side of the law, Lynne Ramsay crafted something mesmeric.
Apollo 11 (documentary)
We promise you don’t have to be a total space nerd to enjoy this. The Apollo 11 mission is captured in incredible detail, with beautiful imagery and a completely impressive sound design track. It’s definitely worth your time.